As you may have noticed from the proliferation of shiny around you, I have finally built a new website for all things bookish.
To mark this momentous occasion, which I believe may have momentarily stopped the globe from rotating (this may be why you felt several pounds lighter for 0.2 milliseconds at 3pm yesterday), I’ll be featuring lots of content in the coming weeks and months: largely short stories and novel extracts.
Kicking us off we have the first three chapters from my next novel, Hell’s Detective: Lost Angeles, a noir set in Hell. Hell’s Detective is a slight departure from previous works, in that it isn’t an out-and-out comedy. You will, however, find a light sprinkling of jokes therein.
As I don’t have a cover yet, this post is accompanied by an artist’s impression of what I might look like if I were a denizen of Hell. The artist should probably learn to draw better, but he really can’t be bothered.
I can’t tell you when this novel is going to be released. It’s still limping around the rain-drenched streets, tapping on the brightly lit windows of agents and publishers, smiling wanly and hoping they invite it in for champagne and caviar, rather than drawing the curtains and sending out the servants to beat it bloody with a dirty broom.
UPDATE, 0310/2015: Link to novel sample and blurb removed (it was only ever going to be up temporarily).